Friday, September 14, 2012

Another Good Year!

With a smile, we've just finished our summer collections, our 8th year at Holden Beach, NC. Although we were a bit short of last years total, we were able to meet 100% of the needs of all persons, and then some, who asked for our help, and that is what we're about.

Our total for the summer is 19,297 lbs. which brings us close to 100,000 lbs. since the ministry began in July of 2005. The current economy definitely affected our volume as more of our vacationers ate in and took home more than normal. That's good news as we sense their food was not wasted, although we empathize for our local restaurants whose business was affected.

As a reminder, please consider "A Second Helping" as a model for establishing a similar ministry for other vacation venues. It's a way to "give back", a simple way to chip away at hunger in your community. We're always available to help, and to answer your questions at

Friday, June 29, 2012

More good news!!

In keeping with our ongoing efforts to get other vacation locales to start similar food collection programs/ministries such as "A Second Helping, we got some great news this week. A friend who read a newspaper article about us a couple of years ago sent a copy to her daughter at Edisto Beach in South Carolina. The daughter jumped on the idea, so to speak, and as a result Edisto Realty has its own program of collecting food from departing vacationers on the island. We hope other locations will be similarly inspired by what Edisto Realty is doing and become pro-active in doing their own thing. As always, we want to hear from anyone who gets involved, or who has questions.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Great Idea

One of the many joys we experience each Saturday morning during our food collection is meeting and talking to persons from all over the U.S. who come to Holden Beach NC for vacations. This past Saturday, our first day of the 8th year, we met a couple from Athens GA. They had some nice things to say about "A Second Helping" which we always like to hear. And they had a great idea as we talked! Before the UGA football games, lots of people "tailgate", which means the possibility of left over foods which could be collected for the needy. This great idea could be expanded to any tailgating venue, NASCAR, NFL football, college football, you name it!! What a wonderful project this could be for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Civic clubs or individuals like us who do our thing on Saturday morning during the summer months. Let us know what you think, or if we can help you get started, by writing us at

Friday, February 24, 2012

Another year, our 8th

On June 16, 2012 we will begin another summer, our 8 th, of collecting food from departing vacationers and locals. Amazingly, we can still buy food at 5 lbs./$1 with our monetary contributions. 100% of all contributions are used to buy more food. All expenses are borne by volunteers.

We feel we have a handle on how to do things at Holden Beach. Having said that, our expanded goal is to see this ministry spread to other vacation spots.....

Will you become proactive in getting a similar ministry started in your area? We are more than willing to help you in any way we can......

You can contact us at